How to save your request from inbox death
April 2014
I’ve been struggling to get to inbox zero lately. I’ve never really had this problem before, but between my work at Buffer and Ooomf and things heating up at Exist, I’ve really been drowning in emails.
I also tend to work with my inbox closed and notifications turned off. After all, emails aren’t “real work” so I don’t want them distracting me.
An unfortunate thing I’ve noticed about this is requests get buried in my inbox and I often take a long time to reply. The problem is that when someone asks me to do something, it should become a task that I can plan and prioritise, but if it comes in the form of an email, it’s easier to just leave it in my inbox than it is to translate it into a task.
When I was at lunch with Josh recently, I added a couple of tasks to my to do list as we discussed Exist. Thinking about it later, I realised those tasks will get a higher priority...